Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Five Minutes With ... Seri Retrum

DePauw sophomore cross country and track & field runner Siri Retrum
Name: Siri Retrum

Hometown/High School: Columbus, IN/ Columbus North

Institution: DePauw University

Major: Kinesiology

Sports: Cross Country and Track and Field

•    I am originally from ... Anderson, IN

•    Why did you choose to attend a NCAA Division III institution? I was looking for a school with a competitive sports program and challenging academics.

•    How would you describe the philosophy of NCAA Div. III? Being able to excel as a collegiate athlete while pursuing high academic goals.

•    How has your experience been in balancing athletics and academics at DePauw? Having practice nearly everyday of the year keeps me on a strict schedule. Fitting in running, lifting, classes and studying makes my schedule very regimented which helps me manage my time to accomplish everything.

•    How would you best describe your normal day as a student-athlete at the NCAA Div. III level? I.e. What do you do all day? Depending on the day I wake up at 7 a.m. and run a few miles, shower and go to class. After lunch I will go lift before I go to the rest of my classes. Then at 4 pm I go to practice until 6 pm. After dinner I will study until I get my work done then I go to bed.

•    Favorite thing about DePauw? The close- knit nature of campus. Walking to classes it is common to see at least 10 people I know that I can say hi to.

•    Favorite thing about the NCAC? The friendly and competitive spirit at all sporting events.

•    What do you want to be when you grow up? A nurse

•    People may be surprised to know that …… My name is Norwegian.

•    What’s currently playing on your I-Pod? Keith Urban

•    Who do you look up to? My sister Becky, she started her own business by herself.

•    if you could excel at any competitive sport (other than your own) which would you choose? Triathlons

•    What's the most impressive meal you've ever cooked? Grilled salmon, roasted rosemary sweet potatoes, salad, and grilled asparagus

•    What’s your favorite sports team? The Colts

•    Favorite hobbies outside work/school? Cooking, spending time with family and friends, biking, swimming, reading, and playing on the lake

•    First job? Life guard

•    Favorite ice cream? I love all ice cream!!

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