Friday, April 22, 2011

Five Minutes With ...

Throughout the 2010-11 academic year, the North Coast Athletic Conference will give you an in-depth look into the lives of the student-athletes, administrators and faculty members of the conference who epitomize what it means to compete, study and educate at the NCAA Div. III level. We hope that this feature will help people gain a better understanding of why individuals have decided to make NCAA Div. III a cornerstone of their life.


Name: Patrick Fritz

Hometown/High School: Brookville, PA/Brookville

Institution: Allegheny College

Major (s): Communication Arts – Broadcast Journalism
Minor: Psychology

Sport: Men’s Golf

• Why did you choose to attend a NCAA Division III institution?

PF: I wanted a mix between a great education and the ability to play golf at the NCAA level. With Allegheny’s small class sizes and great golf program it was everything I was looking for.

• If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would it be and why?

PF: Dick Vitale. As a broadcast journalism major, I would love be on TV and be able to talk about something I love as my job. I love his enthusiasm for college basketball and he gets some fantastic opportunities.

• How would you most accurately describe or define the ideals on which the NCAA Div. III was founded?

PF: Students participating athletically for the love of the sport. As Division III athletes we are not influenced by other factors such as money, so we get to go out every day and compete to reflect our institutions for the love of the game.

• People may be surprised to know that ……

PF: I have been participating in Theater productions longer than I have been playing golf competitively.

• How has your experience been in balancing athletics and academics at Allegheny College?

PF: Allegheny has great resources that help students with balancing their studies with other activities they may be involved in. At first, I struggled balancing my athletics with my studies, but my teammates, coach and professors taught how to maximize my time and effort.

• If you are stranded on an island, you would like to be with ……

PF: My golf clubs

• What is the life of a student-athlete studying broadcast journalism like at Allegheny College?

PF: The professors in our Communications department are very supportive of athletics and are always interested in how I’m doing. Also, being a varsity athlete at such a small school allows professors to get to know me so when athletic communication internships are available professors think of athletes they have in class.

• Do you have any hidden talents that very few people know about?

PF: No. Only my musical talents, but most people know that by now.

• What aspect of being a student-athlete at the Div. III level, do you hope to take with you into your professional life?

PF: If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. I never dread going to practice because I love what I do and I don’t let other things influence me. In my professional life, I hope I have a job that I love doing so I love going to work every day.

• What has been your most memorable moment in athletics during your collegiate career?

PF: Playing well my last round of qualifying my freshman year to make the starting squad.

• What would you like to accomplish, both in academics and athletics, before you graduate?

PF: Academically, I would like to improve the Communications Department in a way that students after me have even more opportunities than I had. Athletically, I want to help my team win a NCAC Championship and participate at Nationals.

• What’s currently playing on your I-Pod?

PF: "Better Than" by John Butler Trio

• Do you have one coach and or professor in mind that has impacted your career the most at Allegheny College?

PF: Coach Jeff Groff, the head golf coach, has taught me a lot in the two years I have been at Allegheny. He not only wants us to be successful on the golf course but also in life. He always wants the best for us and takes his job very seriously.

• What is your most prized possession?

PF: My golf clubs

• In your opinion, what is the most important life lesson you learned while competing at the NCAA Div. III level

PF: Like I said before, do what you love and love what you do. I feel like I wouldn’t have continued to love the game as I do if I would’ve went to another school.

• How many hours a week do you spend on Facebook?

PF: 2 hours

• What would be your advice for someone that is considering enrolling as a student-athlete at a NCAA Div. III institution?

PF: I would tell them it’s worth it. Being a student-athlete at a Div. III institution is an incredibly rewarding experience and you will grow more as a person at an institution like this more than at a Div. I or Div. II school.

• How would you best describe your normal day as a student-athlete at the NCAA Div. III level?

PF: Hectic. Every minute of my week is scheduled between class, practice, homework, friends and other extra-carricular activities. I am always moving.

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