Name: Sarah Watson
Hometown/High School: Hudson, OH/Hudson
Institution: Wittenberg University
Major: Chemistry
Sport: Basketball

• Why did you choose to attend an NCAA Division III institution?
SW: I am a fourth generation "Wittenberger". I grew up around Wittenberg’s campus, going to football and basketball games, so I couldn’t really imagine going anywhere else. As a student at an NCAA Division III institution and a liberal arts university, I love the idea of being well rounded. I am not just learning about my intended field, but also getting the opportunity to take classes in different disciplines.
• If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would it be and why?
SW: I would love to trade places with Erin Andrews. Not only did she get to compete on Dancing With The Stars, but how great would it be to get paid to watch and talk about college athletics?
• How would you most accurately describe or define the ideals on which the NCAA Div. III was founded?
SW: Division III is most accurately described as a place for student-athletes, where the student comes first. We are expected to be in the classroom and complete our work just like any other student, as well as being on top of our game night in and night out. Basketball is not a job and I am not “owned” by my coaches or team, but they are a wonderful addition to the life I lead at Wittenberg.
• People may be surprised to know that ……
SW: I can complete a 1000 piece puzzle in under a day. Last Christmas break my older brother and I finished eight puzzles in the seven days that I was home.
• How has your experience been in balancing athletics and academics at your institution?
SW: Hectic. Being an athlete is all about time management. I believe that I am more productive when I am in season than out of season. During season, I only have a limited amount of time to get my work done so I know that I have to be efficient after practice is over. I also know that having such a busy schedule now will only prepare me for a demanding schedule in the future.
• If you are stranded on an island, you would like to be with ……
SW: If I can have people: My teammates and family; If I can’t have people: Books. Lots and lots of books.
• What is the life of a student-athlete studying chemistry like at Wittenberg University?
SW: The life of a chemistry major is very demanding. Between classes, labs and practice the majority of my time is spent between the Barbara Deer Kuss Science Center and the gym. I think the only difference between most other majors is the amount of time that I spend in lab, and the over-lap between lab and practice. All chemistry labs take place in the afternoon, so there are times where I have to miss the beginning of practice to complete a lab. What’s nice is that I have a fellow teammate, Lindley Bell, who is also a chemistry major. It is very convenient when we are lab partners, as we know how to work efficiently so we can get in, get our lab completed and get to practice.
• Do you have any hidden talents that very few people know about?
SW: I have the amazing ability to find the perfect piece of Tupperware to store leftovers.
• What has been your most memorable moment in athletics during your collegiate career?
SW: Moments... Last year we went on an incredible run during conference play that included wins over Denison, OWU and Kenyon which are all considered rivals. It was amazing to be able to pull out close wins over some really tough competition and know that the hard work we put in had really paid off.
• What would you like to accomplish, both in academics and athletics, before you graduate?
SW: I hope to graduate with honors in chemstry as well as honors from Wittenberg University and have a conference tournament championship under my belt.
• What’s currently playing on your I-Pod?
SW: “Waving Flags” by K’naan thanks to the Wittenberg University volleyball team, and Straight No Chaser.
• What is your most prized possession?
SW: I am a huge Duke fan, so my most prized possession has to be my autographed basketball signed by Mike Krzyzewski, Coach K.
• In your opinion, what is the most important life lesson you learned while competing at the NCAA Div. III level?
SW: I have learned that the only limitations I have are those I put on myself. I have been supported by my family, teammates and coaches during my time at Wittenberg and know that whatever I choose to pursue that they will always be behind me.
• How many hours a week do you spend on Facebook?
SW: 1-2 hours a week
• What would be your advice for someone that is considering enrolling as a student-athlete at a NCAA Div. III institution?
SW: Go where you feel at home. Yes, I know, it’s corny, but as a tour guide I always tell prospective students that they should feel as comfortable at school as they do at home.
• How would you best describe your normal day as a student-athlete at the NCAA Div. III level?
- Class all morning.
- Lunch.
- Internship in the Office of Admission or lab until practice.
- Practice.
- Dinner.
- Studying with some of my teammates.
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