Thursday, May 3, 2012

Five Minutes With ... Jon Cripe

DePauw senior Cross Country and Track & Field student-athlete Jon Cripe
Name: Jon Cripe

Hometown/High School: Belleville, IL/Belleville West

Institution: DePauw University

Majors: Physics and Math

Sports: Cross Country and Track & Field

I am originally from ... Belleville, IL, which is near St Louis.

Why did you choose to attend a NCAA Division III institution? I wanted to go to a school with good academics and have the opportunity to be involved in multiple activities. In addition to athletics, I am involved in music, a resident assistant (RA) and president of our SAAC.

How would you describe the philosophy of NCAA Div. III? Being a student first but still having the opportunity to compete and excel in athletics.

How has your experience been in balancing athletics and academics at DePauw? I actually think having the structure of daily practice helps my academics. I have improved my time management skills and know how to prioritize the things I need to get done. Also, exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle.

How would you best describe your normal day as a student-athlete at the NCAA Div. III level? I.e. What do you do all day? Wake up and go to class during the day. In between classes I get as much homework done as possible. Practice is from 4-7ish. Then I make dinner and start on my homework again. A few days a week I do supplementary training like lifting, core, bike, etc, so I have to fit that into my schedule too. I also have a few meetings each week for the clubs that I am involved in that I need to attend.

Favorite thing about DePauw? The people

Favorite thing about the NCAC? The competition, friendly nature and professionalism of the student athletes.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Not entirely sure yet. Next year I will be in Germany doing physics research at the Albert Einstein Institute. Then I return to the states and continue graduate school for my PhD in physics. I will be a professor one day, but not sure at what point in my life.

What has been your most memorable moment in athletics during your collegiate career? Making the regional cross country team this year after battling Achilles injuries for the past two years. There were a lot of days when it hurt a lot, and I would ask myself if it was worth it or not. I wasn’t able to train as much as I wanted to. It was really hard knowing that an injury was keeping me from reaching my potential. I had to change my training to be able to continue running, and it paid off in the end!

What would be your advice for someone that is considering enrolling as a student-athlete at a NCAA Div. III institution? Do it!

Are there any major obstacles that you’ve had to overcome when as a Div. III student-athlete? Just like any other activity, if you want to be good in athletics you have to sacrifice other things. I could not be in the band or orchestra or other clubs that I might have joined. You also have to give up part of your social life. But if I had to do it again I would still be a student-athlete. The memories last forever.

What's the most impressive meal you've ever cooked? I’m not sure what my single most impressive meal is, but I cook all of my own food, and I would say it’s all pretty good. So I tend to invite people on the team or other friends over for dinner a lot.

What’s your favorite sports team? St Louis Cardinals!

First job? Working on an orchard during the summers of high school. My friend and I worked in the fields all day. It was hot, but a lot of fun.

Best/worst summer job? Physics Research assistant

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