Friday, March 25, 2011

Five Minutes With ...

Throughout the 2010-11 academic year, the North Coast Athletic Conference will give you an in-depth look into the lives of the student-athletes, administrators and faculty members of the conference who epitomize what it means to compete, study and educate at the NCAA Div. III level. We hope that this feature will help people gain a better understanding of why individuals have decided to make NCAA Div. III a cornerstone of their life.


Name: Ian Franks

Hometown/High School: Greenwich, OH/South Central

Institution: College of Wooster

Major: History

Sport: Basketball

• Why did you choose to attend a NCAA Division III institution?

IF: I wanted to be able to play a sport and go to a solid academic school.

• If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would it be and why?

IF: LeBron James so I could admit to everyone that I made a mistake by leaving/abandoning Cleveland after I promised I would bring them a championship.

• How would you most accurately describe or define the ideals on which the NCAA Div. III was founded?

IF: Academics first. Fun second.

• People may be surprised to know that ……

IF: The basketball team does not know how to do the Rubik’s Cube.

• How has your experience been in balancing athletics and academics at The College of Wooster?

IF: Not a problem with our practice time always being at four, it is easy to plan the rest of your day around that and classes.

• If you are stranded on an island, you would like to be with ……

IF: Randy “Ranger” David Worrell

• What is the life of a student-athlete studying History like at The College of Wooster?

IF: I would say this about all my classes, if you manage your time properly then you have no problems juggling both.

• Do you have any hidden talents that very few people know about?

IF: I am a whiz at NBA Jam.

• What aspect of being a student-athlete at the Div. III level, do you hope to take with you into your professional life?

IF: Being a leader and being vocal.

• What has been your most memorable moment in athletics during your collegiate career?

IF: Beating Whitewater to go to the Sweet 16 last season. Hopefully that one is changed this weekend.

NCAC: It's pretty safe to say that this moment has indeed changed for Ian after this year's monumental tournament run by the Fighting Scots!!!

• What would you like to accomplish, both in academics and athletics, before you graduate?

IF: I hope to finish my I.S. and finish my senior season in basketball with a National Championship.

• What’s currently playing on your I-Pod?

IF: Nukin’ by Tommy Adams

• Do you have one coach and or professor in mind that has impacted your career the most at The College of Wooster?

IF: Coach Moore, without a doubt.

• What is your most prized possession?

IF: My friends and family....And my iPhone.

• In your opinion, what is the most important life lesson you learned while competing at the NCAA Div. III level?

IF: I have learned the importance of hard work and how listening to those around you and working hard can help you become better at whatever you do.

• How many hours a week do you spend on Facebook?

IF: Depends on how often I need to be distracted from my homework.

• What would be your advice for someone that is considering enrolling as a student-athlete at a NCAA Div. III institution?

IF: You won’t regret it. The athletics are as serious as the academics.

• How would you best describe your normal day as a student-athlete at the NCAA Div. III level?

IF: Splendidly repetitive.

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