Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Saving a Life

It seems football season comes earlier and earlier every year. A new season preview pops up on school websites almost daily and the NCAC hosts its annual Football Media Day Brunch and Golf Outing in two short weeks (Aug. 2).

Allegheny features a football story on its website today that really isn't about football, but about the life-saving efforts of one of the Gator gridders.

Junior Matt Cellini, the starting fullback for the Allegheny football team serves as a summer lifeguard at the Trumbull, Connecticut Beach Memorial pool club. Last week, he and his fellow staff members revived a drowning girl, who had been submerged under water for about 15 seconds. The girl was then rushed to the hospital and kept overnight for observation, but was considered in fair condition.

“It kind of goes along with what I hope to do in the future,” said Cellini, who plans to become a doctor upon graduating from Allegheny.

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